Muzica clasică românească este prezentă în programele marilor festivaluri de gen din Europa

Muzica clasică românească este prezentă în programele marilor festivaluri de gen din Europa

Deschiderea inaugurală a celei de-a XIX-a ediții a Festivalului Internațional de Muzică de Cameră "Sacrum et Musica" Anul 2023 a fost instituit anul Ciprian Porumbescu pentru celebrarea a 170 de ani de la naşterea şi comemorarea a 140 de ani de la moartea marelui compozitor român. Cu această ocazie, Filarmonica de Cameră Witold Lutosławski din Łomża, sâmbătă, 26 august 2023, de la orele 19.00, în deschiderea inaugurală a celei de-a XIX-a ediții a Festivalului Internațional de Muzică de Cameră "Sacrum et Musica", a programat, cu sprijinul programului ICR Cantemir, Balada într-o versiune în premieră și anume pentru Violă și Orchestră de Cameră, în aranjamentul realizat de Lucian Moraru. Solist va fi violistul român Adrian Stanciu, un tânăr și talentat intrumentist român. read more
Press Release

Press Release

The inaugural opening of the 19th edition of the International Chamber Music Festival "Sacrum et Musica" The year 2023 was established as the year of Ciprian Porumbescu to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the birth and the 140th anniversary of the death of the great Romanian composer. On this occasion, the Witold Lutosławski Chamber Philharmonic in Łomża, on Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 19.00, in the inaugural opening of the 19th edition of the International Chamber Music Festival "Sacrum et Musica", has scheduled, among another masterworks, with the support of the ICR Cantemir program, the Ballad in a premiere version for Viola and Chamber Orchestra, in the arrangement conceived by Lucian Moraru. The soloist will be the Romanian violist Adrian Stanciu, a young and talented Romanian instrumentalist. read more
Press Release

Press Release

Muzica clasică românească este prezentă în programele marilor festivaluri de gen Miercuri, 21 iunie 2023, în cadrul festivalului The Cayman Arts Festival (CAF) – ediția 2023, desfășurat în Insulele Cayman și dedicat tinerilor muzicieni, a avut loc în John Gray High School Performance Hall concertul susținut de CAF Youth Camerata, avându-i ca invitați speciali pe Irina Mureșanu – violonistă și Scott Flavin – dirijor și violonist. Din programul concertului a făcut parte și lucrarea Balada de Ciprian Porumbescu, în aranjament pentru vioară și orchestră de coarde de Lucian Moraru. Partiturile pentru această lucrare românească au fost puse la dispoziție de Sonart Edition, ca parte din proiectul The Sound of Romania, proiect cofinanțat de Institutul Cultural Român, prin Programul Cantemir – program de finanțare pentru proiecte culturale destinate mediului internațional. read more
String Quartet Arrangements by Lucian Moraru - Nessun Dorma from Turandot - Puccini

String Quartet Arrangements by Lucian Moraru - Nessun Dorma from Turandot - Puccini

Nessun Dorma from Turandot - Puccini It is not an easy task to reimagine a popular and richly scored aria such as Puccini’s Nessun Dorma for a string quartet! Lucian Moraru has reinterpreted the piece for this ensemble and the result is a successful one. read more
 String Quartet Arrangements by Lucian Moraru - Ingemisco from Requiem - Verdi

String Quartet Arrangements by Lucian Moraru - Ingemisco from Requiem - Verdi

Ingemisco from Requiem - Verdi I never expected an arranger to produce a successful arrangement of Verdi Requiem for string quartet, but here it is! As with Nessun Dorma, Moraru hascreated an interesting reinterpretation rather than a strict arrangement. read more
Craiova Muzicala

Craiova Muzicala

“Craiova Muzicală” (5 – 17 decembrie 2022) De ani buni, de când a intrat pe radarul atenţiei mele, Festivalul Internaţional “Craiova Muzicală” a celor de la Filarmonica ”Oltenia” Craiova a adus câteva nume mari, nume care atrag atenţia şi fac sălile pline. Şi, printr-o combinaţie de acţiune voluntară şi circumstanţe, nu la aceste spectacole am ajuns, ci la cât mai multe dintre celelalte, aşa-zis mici. Ediţia 2022 a festivalului nu a făcut excepţia în această privinţă. read more
TANGO FINESSE  Traffic Strings

TANGO FINESSE Traffic Strings

TANGO FINESSE Traffic Strings SonArt Records by Andrew Lorenz If you are a lover of the tango, this is the CD for you. Lucian Moraru has arranged 10 pieces by Astor Piazzolla and Jealousy by Jacob Gade. Other works include movements from Tango Suite for piano, Oblivion, Tango Choc & Plus Ultra and more. Traffic Strings is heard in live performances, the group consisting of two violins, viola, cello, double bass, pan-pipe, accordion and piano. read more
REQUIEM – Ingemisco  Giuseppe Verdi, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru

REQUIEM – Ingemisco Giuseppe Verdi, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru

REQUIEM – Ingemisco Giuseppe Verdi, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru SonArt Edition 2019 by Helen Tuckey The original Verdi Requiem is the antithesis of a chamber work. There is another earlier arrangement of the well-known Ingemisco (from the Dies Irae) for viola and piano, so this work has been of interest to Moraru for some time. read more
HORA STACCATO  Grigoras Dinicu, arr. for string quartet  by Lucian Moraru

HORA STACCATO Grigoras Dinicu, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru

HORA STACCATO Grigoras Dinicu, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru SonArt Edition 2019 by Helen Tuckey Jascha Heifetz is rumoured to have said that Grigoras Dinicu (1889-1948) was the greatest violinist he had ever heard. A Roumanian violinist and composer of Roma ethnicity, Dinicu was banned from being accepted into the Vienna Conservatory where he had won a place. read more
FACULTY OF LAW Lucian Moraru, string quartet & percussion

FACULTY OF LAW Lucian Moraru, string quartet & percussion

FACULTY OF LAW Lucian Moraru, string quartet & percussion SonArt Edition 2019 by Helen Tuckey Romanian violist and arranger Lucian Moraru studied in Bucharest, then the Netherlands and Great Britain. He has an extremely diverse musical skill set, working as a violist in orchestras, chamber groups and as a soloist and as a studio producer, as well as substantial experience as an arranger for a diversity of musical instruments and genres. read more
TOSCA - E lucevan le stelle

TOSCA - E lucevan le stelle

TOSCA - E lucevan le stelle Giacomo Puccini, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru SonArt Edition 2019 by Helen Tuckey The famous aria “And the stars were shining” is sung in the opera by Mario Cavaradossi, a painter in love with the singer Tosca, as he awaits his tragic destiny. In this arrangement, which only lasts 36 bars, the first violin plays the role of the spinto tenor (‘con grande sentimento’). read more
STABAT MATER – Cujus Animam

STABAT MATER – Cujus Animam

STABAT MATER – Cujus Animam Gioacchino Rossini, arr. for string quartet by Lucian Moraru SonArt Edition 2019 by Helen Tuckey This great tune from a liturgical setting by Rossini traditionally challenges singers to their limits, and no wonder, as it describes the story of Mary with Jesus at the crucifixion. In this version for quartet, after a true Italian operatic style introduction, the spotlight falls on the viola with the big melody, which then ascends to the first violin line. read more
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