Hora staccato -  chamber string...

Hora staccato - chamber string orchestra

360.20 €
Grigoras Dinicu
Musical arrangement
Lucian Moraru
SonArt Edition
Romanian traditional music
Year of publication
315 x 235 mm
Number of pages
General score, orchestral material: General score, orchestral material: violin 1 - 4 pcs., violin 2 - 3 pcs., viola - 2 pcs., cello - 2 pcs., double bass - 1 pcs.
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Grigoras Dinicu, arr. for string quartet

by Lucian Moraru

SonArt Edition 2019


by Helen Tuckey

Jascha Heifetz is rumoured to have said that Grigoras Dinicu (1889-1948) was the greatest violinist he had ever heard. A Roumanian violinist and composer of Roma ethnicity, Dinicu was banned from being accepted into the Vienna Conservatory where he had won a place. In the 1930s he was involved in a political movement seeking recognition for the Roumanian Roma. The Hora Staccato, based on a Roumanian dance, is one of his most famous works. The first and second violin parts are much more difficult than the lower parts, and the first violin is the star in this sparking arrangement, which can be viewed with the arranger’s quartet, “Traffic Strings”..

Website: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQXuiv0Fp30

Stringendo (Australian Strings Association’s magazine) - October, 2022





This is an overflowing arrangement for chamber string orchestra. The piece preserves the beauty of the original work, an icon of Romanian traditional music, but at the same time differs in essence, due to the new musical themes that were introduced in the sound material of this work. A sample of the Romanian traditional music which exploit all four instruments on equal terms through which they can show their virtuosity. A pleasure for the members of the string quartets who like to show their technical skills, with which, surely, they will delight the audience. This score is a smart choice for the chamber string orchestras that want to achieve the acclaim from the audience. It is a perfect encore to be performed after a successful concert.


Acesta este un aranjament debordant pentru orchestra de cameră. Piesa păstrează frumusețea operei originale, o emblemă a muzicii tradiționale românești, dar în același timp diferă prin esență, datorită noilor teme muzicale care au fost introduse în materialul sonor al acestei lucrări. Un eșantion de muzică tradițională românească care exploatează toate cele patru instrumente în condiții egale prin care instrumentiștii își pot arăta virtuozitatea. O plăcere pentru membrii orchestrelor de cameră cărora le place să-și arate abilitățile tehnice prin care sigur vor încânta audiența. Această partitură este o  alegere inteligentă pentru orchestrele de cameră care își doresc să aibă succes la public. Este un bis  perfect pentru finalul unui concert reușit.

Youtube DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAJhizwSCsk

Grigoras Dinicu
Musical arrangement
Lucian Moraru
SonArt Edition
Romanian traditional music
Year of publication
315 x 235 mm
Number of pages
General score, orchestral material: General score, orchestral material: violin 1 - 4 pcs., violin 2 - 3 pcs., viola - 2 pcs., cello - 2 pcs., double bass - 1 pcs.
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