Tango Finesse

Tango Finesse

15.00 €
Tango Finesse
Traffic Strings
Sonart Records
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Traffic Strings

SonArt Records

by Andrew Lorenz

If you are a lover of the tango, this is the CD for you. Lucian Moraru has arranged 10 pieces by Astor Piazzolla and Jealousy by Jacob Gade. Other works include movements from Tango Suite for piano, Oblivion, Tango Choc & Plus Ultra and more. Traffic Strings is heard in live performances, the group consisting of two violins, viola, cello, double bass, pan-pipe, accordion and piano. Moraru states in his liner notes, “This ‘timbral mix’ gives the project an exotic air which is totally distinct from the sound universe we got used to when listening to Argentine tangos . . . this new timbral combination brings to the forefront rhythms that give the feeling of a sonority created by percussion instruments.” For this reviewer, sometimes the very wide vibrato in the loud playing of the pan-pipe is rather disconcerting; however overall, the tone is attractive. Traffic Strings features fine ensemble work which makes for some exciting and dramatic performances. The writing is virtuosic and the spirit of the tango is certainly brought to life.

Stringendo (Australian Strings Association’s magazine) - October, 2022





TANGO FINESSE, a music album containing melodies with an exotic and incandescent character, full of the passion and sensuality of the Argentinean tango rhythm. You will probably want to listen to it every day.

TANGO FINESSE, un álbum con unos canciones exóticos e incandescentes, llenos de la pasión y sensualidad del ritmo del tango argentino. Confiamos que les gustará tanto que desearán escucharlo cada día.

TANGO FINESSE e un album che contiene brani con una sonorita esotica ed incandescente, piena di passione e sensualita del ritmo Argentino. Probabilmente che volete ascoltarlo quasi ogni giorno.

TANGO FINESSE, eine Langspielplatte die Melodien mit einem exotischen und gluehenden Charakter umfasst, voll mit der Leidenschaft un Sensualitaet der Rythem des argentinischen Tangos. Sie werden wahrscheilich sie jeden Tag hoeren wollen.

TANGO FINESSE , un album contenant des mélodies à caractère exotique et incandescent, pleines de la passion et de la sensualité du rythme du tango argentin.
Probablement que vous voudrez l’écouter presque quotidiennement.

这一灿烂的音乐专辑的每一个时刻聚集了精神、天贼和贡献。曲目又异国情调又炽热,充 满了探戈节奏的激情与性感。《弦乐器交通》乐团(Traffic Strings)将探戈的热情、精致和性爱倾向打扮于独特的精湛技艺,以创造特殊的气氛,使得观众进行梦想之旅。可能您每天都会收听这一专辑!


1. Escolaso | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 5:33
2. Calambre & Franacapa | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 5:53
3. Lo que Vendra | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 4:54
4. Tango Suite for piano: Tango nr. 1 | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 6:31
5. Jalouise | Jacob Gade / Ar. Lucian Moraru 3:38
6. Tango Suite for piano: Tango nr. 3 | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 6:44
7. Oblivion | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 4:41
8. Tango Choc & Plus Ultra | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 5:01
9. Oda para un hippie | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 5:51
10. Buenos Aires ora 0 | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 5:34
11. Michelangelo 70 | Astor Piazzolla / Ar. Lucian Moraru 3:27
Total 55:07

Producer & Artistic director: Lucian Moraru


Tango Finesse
Traffic Strings
Sonart Records
Year of publication
Bar code
Producer no.
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